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Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, also referred to as SOCHUM, is the third committee in the United Nations General Assembly (GA). SOCHUM mainly deals with the human rights issues around the world including advancement of women, the protection of child, the treatment of refugees, the promotion of fundamental freedoms through the elimination of racism and racial discrimination, and the right to self- determination.

The Committee also addresses important social development questions such as issues related to youth, family, ageing, people with disabilities, crime prevention, criminal justice, and international drug control.

Committee Introduction

Topic A: Effects of Counter-terrorism on                         Human Rights

In recent years, the radical Sunni Islamic sect has launched multiple terrorist attacks in Syria and expanded its domain, with the aim to establish the theocracy country “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” (ISIS). Since 2014, ISIS has mercilessly murdered innocent civilians, conducted terrorist attacks, violated countless human rights, and persecuted non-Sunni Muslim members in Iraq and Syria, even publicly beheaded prisoners. What’s worse, ISIS has utilized the Internet as a way to strengthen their power.


As of now, every country’s strategic policy is of crucial importance. For example, the United States has called for a league of nations to declare war on ISIS, to both protect their citizens and reclaim the occupied areas. However, the Air Force of the allies had destroyed innocent lives and defeated their own purpose. Meanwhile, the US and its allies are also facing economic, diplomatic, military, and humanitarian difficulties. Solutions to stopping the ISIS and avoiding the negative effects while fighting them are urgently needed.


There is no issue more pressing and crucial for the committee of SOCHUM and the United Nations to cope with right now.

Topic B: Refugee Crisis---the human rights of refugees

                from Syria and the humanitarian assistance

                of other countries.

Since Arab Spring in 2010, the sharply increasing refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia have been seeking asylum in the European countries, which gives rise to refugee crisis, where the refugees are mostly from Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea. With the outbreak of Syria Civil War in 2011, a lot of Syrians fled abroad. Although the neighboring countries, such as Jordan and Turkey, has accepted a large number of refugees, many people still want to seek asylum in Europe for a higher standard of living, which inevitably worsens the refugee crisis in Europe.


The causes of these refugees are mainly because of the economic crisis and high unemployment rate due to the Syrian Civil War. The refugee crisis, including the human rights of refugees, the rights of neighboring countries, and also the humanitarian assistance from Europe, United States of America, Japan and other countries, is an urgent issue that the UN must face and deal with.

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